I cannot believe that I only have two more blogs to write after this!
So what was up this week? I was feeling pretty unwell early in the week, a few days behind Caleb I got a fever and felt like I was hit by a bus. So Monday and Tuesday were pretty quiet. Kensley is loving daycare and has been going on Wednesday's some weeks (my birthday present). We spent a lot of time outside this week, as we usually do. On Wednesday, it was unusually warm for winter, and got up to 20 degrees! We saw Julia and Lucy for a little play date which was fun because both of the girls are walking/running around. On Friday, Caleb and I took Kensley to the library in the afternoon which she always enjoys. We decided to try her on the big windy slide in the children's area after seeing a dad put his 18 month old daughter down it by laying her flat. He called it "torpedo baby". I started her at the top and Caleb caught her at the bottom. He said she looked shocked at the bottom but then kept signing "more" so we kept letting her do it. She loves the slide at daycare but this was way bigger.
On Saturday, I did a Waipara wine tour with Mary. It's about an hour away so we hired a tour to take us, and lucky for us, we were the only ones on the tour. Our guide was awesome and knowledgable (ie., did you know Kiwifruit were only grown in China before NZ figured out how to grow them) We started at Torlese and had a nice lunch. I liked their pinot noir but didn't end up buying any wine. We then went to Greystone which felt a bit rushed but we got a bottle of their Pinot Gris and Sav Blanc. Their whites were exceptional and they're known for being an organic winery. Next was Waipara Hills with an over-the-top, detail oriented, but entertaining (and non stop pouring) server. We got a bottle of "Soul" pinot noir from here. And then onto Peagusus were we ordered fries with our tasting because we were feeling the wine. We splurged and got a posh bottle of pinot noir from here to enjoy during our final days in NZ! It was such a perfect day. Then Caleb was off to The Super Rugby finals. The local team was playing, The Crusaders, and they won!
Sunday was Caleb's day. He went to Diamond Harbour, about 45 mins from Christchurch and did a hike. He said it was a short and nice hike that he hadn't realized was so close to us. And randomly, he ran into Andy at a cafe out there. In the afternoon, he had some work to get done and Kensley and I went to Sarah's for her 18th Birthday Afternoon Tea!
Kensley continues to point out trucks (uck). She has also starting pointing out cars (ar) and scooters (sssssss). "Ar, Ar, Ar, Ar, Uck, Ar, SSSSSSSS" I could listen to it all day. She loves to talk about her baby. She puts her into her bed (an egg carton), feeds her, bathes her, tries to undress her etc. She says "cookie" and has finally tried a cookie from the boat shed. They give this tiny biscuit (shortbread) with coffee and I let her try it this past week. Now she says "cookie" whenever I say we are going there. We left one day and were outside and she was signing "more" and saying "cookie". I told her that she could go inside and ask for more in there if she wanted more....and SHE DID. She marched right in there, behind the counter and started signing "more". I won't be telling her she can do that again, although she has already figured it out. Kensley has also started picking out her hair clip each morning, and 4/5 days she picks out the hair clips that Caleb got her for Christmas (melt my heart!)
Happy Canada Day from NZ |
Dora who? |
Kensley the explorer |
Climbing at the Arts Centre |
Just strollin' |
Big girls |
Dancing with Daddy and her friends |
Rain isn't going to stop us! |
Wine tasting with Mary! |
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Happy Birthday, Sarah! |