I had anticipated some rough points this
week due to Caleb being away but I’m happy to report that we sailed through the
week (maybe because we know Poppa arrives soon!!!)! Caleb was off to Perth, Australia early
Wednesday morning until late Sunday night for a conference. We contemplated Kenz and I going, but with a 5-hour
time difference and 8 hours of flying each way, it seemed a bit much! So we stuck around and saw friends! I actually got smacked with Kensley’s cold
the day Caleb left – go figure! Caleb
had Tuesday afternoon off before he left so lucky for us all, we had some fam
time! That afternoon, Caleb was out for
a quick haircut and I experienced my first earthquake. There was a 6.2 magnitude earthquake like
800km away on the North Island and we felt it all the way down here! Nothing too crazy but definitely enough to
know that it was an earthquake. On
Wednesday, we celebrated Kensley’s first Halloween! Halloween isn’t really a big deal here but it
was still fun to put her in her little skeleton costume. We met Julia, Lucy, Hannah and Isabelle for
gelato in the afternoon.
On Friday, we were invited to Jacqui’s
house for lunch with her, Hugh and Walt.
She lives in Pegasus, which is a little suburb/community about 40
minutes outside of Christchurch City Centre.
It is a really impressive community with beach access, a man made lake,
wet lands, great children parks and trails.
Jacqui seems to be a lover of cheese like me so she took me to a local
cheese producer, Karikass Cheese. They
have an AMAZING vintage gouda that I’ve bought at the grocery store before and
I realized very quickly (after a few samples ;)) that all of their cheeses are
amazing! I picked up my fair share of
cheese and we headed back to Jacqui’s for a little visit and picnic! Friday night, Mary came over for nachos and
wine (of course)! On Saturday morning
Kensley and I went to The Christchurch Health Living Expo which was decent and
something to do. In the afternoon, Sarah
came over for a few hours to hang out with Kensley. Kensley was happy to see her, which always
makes me feel good! I got out for a run (my
first hard run of the week since being sick) and strolled around some shops. In hindsight, I think my last long run was so
rough because I was getting sick so it was nice to have a decent run again. Sunday morning was the same with Sarah coming
over and me getting out for a run and some more “me time”. In the afternoon we had a little play date
with Liz and Harriet at their home.
Kensley continues to grow and become more
animated. She has initiated peek-a-boo a
few times by putting something over her eyes, which I could play with her all
day because it’s so darn cute. The
biggest news of all is that Kensley survived her first night in her crib
without any tears! Naps were going so
well that I thought we might as well get on with the nighttime sleep and
BAM! No problems this time around! There is no turning back now, the bassinet
is getting packed up!
Caleb reports that Perth was a modern and
clean city but really far from everywhere else.
He was attending The Shoulder and Elbow Society of Australia Annual
Conference. He thought it was a good
review of a lot of topics. I told him
that he better have enjoyed a hotel room to himself for 4 nights – ohhhhh what
I would give for one night to myself in a hotel room :P…A few people have
commented on Caleb’s full-on-beard…well….he’s altered it a bit and now, despite
my pleas, he has a full-on-mustache! For
Movember he says…..
Oh and back home, our good friends Dave and
Trish got engaged this weekend!!! Woohooo!
Love me some avocado |
And raspberries... |
And to chew on any part of my teething toy that isn't meant to be chewed on.... |
Bedtime stories with daddy! |
BOO! |
Meet Sarah! Kensley's bestie! |
It is going to be a long month.... |
Perth, Australia - View from the reception dinner |
Perth, Australia - View of downtown |
Perth, Australia - New development |
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