Wednesday, June 19, 2019

The Nettings Do NZ - Week 47

This week was a fun week for Kensley full of activities.  We were invited to a sensory room by Jacqui with a group of her friends.  It was a neat room with tons of things for little people to explore.  There was a glow in the dark corner, bubbles, a scent machine, various textures and musical instruments, plus much much more.  I was impressed and so was Kensley!  We went to our first Tumble Times, which was an hour of go-go-go for Kensley.  She loved running around the gym, chasing the balls, playing with the hoola-hoops and attempting to climb on things that were a bit too advanced for her.   Another afternoon went to the library and Ella, who Kensley LOVES, joined us!  Ella and her boyfriend are trying to get working holiday visas in Canada so we hope to see some of Ella back home!

We have always looked out the window from our couch and this week, while looking, Kensley started blinking her eyes at me and pointing to something.  It took me a few seconds to realize that she was telling me about a green blinking light on the building across the street from us (I think maybe part of their security system).  She now loves to point out blinking lights on things (bicycles, cars, street crossings).  She has also started walking to The Boast Shed with me for our afternoon coffees.  It is so sweet, she bounces alongside of me, so obviously proud of herself for walking the 250ish metres.  I feel it is important to make note that Kensley’s obsession with blueberries continues.  She requests blueberries all of the time and lights up with excitement when she gets them.  Nothing seems to compare. 

For Caleb and I’s week....I got out for dinner with Mary and her friend Anne and Caleb has started going to the climbing gym with Andy on Thursday nights.  Our big excitement for the weekend was that we got away for a night.  We dropped Kensley off at Sarah’s family’s house on Saturday morning and took off for a little adventure with Liz and Andy.  Kensley was sad initially but better once we left.  It made me feel a bit better that Liz said that Harriet felt the same way and she was at her grandparents for the night.   The four of us were off for a hike and overnight at a hut.  We stayed the night at Tarn Hut which is above the head waters of the Ashley River.  It was AMAZING.  We hiked for about 3 hours in to the hut.  It was grey and wet and we were quite chilled when we arrived; thank goodness for the fire.  We got things sorted and warmed up before we went out to collect some more firewood.  Then back to the hut to enjoy the TWO bottles of wine that Liz hiked in.  Can you believe that Caleb thought we’d be ok with one bottle between the four of us; does he even know me?!  Anyways, thank goodness Liz went with her gut and brought two because we were done them both by 8pm and ready for bed.   The fire burned long enough into the night to keep us nice and toasty all night.  Liz and Andy are such great company.   I have not laughed as much as I did that weekend in a really long time.  If anyone is looking for a good belly ache from laughing, ask Andy to recall some of his childhood memories for you;  Or ask Caleb and Andy to discuss the O Zone layer over NZ.  We were all up early and well rested on Sunday morning.   Caleb and Andy climbed the ridge a bit higher while Liz and I enjoyed more coffee.  Our hike out was an hour shorter, because it was all-downhill.  We stopped on a café for some yummy meat pies on our way home and Andy graciously shared his lemington cake with us, after stealing it from a young child.  We picked up Kensley from Sarah’s and she was happy as could be all weekend, which made a perfect weekend that much SWEETER!  As I finish writing about this week, I’m hit my the first wave of sadness (fight back the tears!) in anticipating our departure from NZ in 5ish weeks.  Life has been so good here and I couldn’t have imagined forming the friendships I have made. 

Heck yes!


Hanging out at Tumble Times

Mommy and daughter elevator selfies...

Remember when she wouldn't sleep in here....

Our leaders


"Who runs the world....GIRLS!"

Ohhhhh New Zealand <3

Thursday, June 13, 2019

The Nettings Do NZ - Week 46

Monday was a holiday here (The Queen's Birthday) so we got to enjoy Caleb for another day.  We celebrated his actual birthday (38!) on Wednesday with spaghetti and caesar salad, his request.  We did Kensley's first painting at home which she wasn't that into (but it turned out great).  She preferred to play with markers and put them back into the package one by one.  She has been obsessed with a book called "It's a baby" from the library and sings the book as much as she can.  She also started talking about a baby this week (probably because of this book) so we took her to the store and she picked out a baby.  She hugs and kisses her baby (and throws her on the kitchen floor...).  We also went to Caleb's mentors on the weekend.  He and his wife had us over in the afternoon for some pick-its and wine.  Kensley was on her best behaviour, impressing all with her charm and happiness.


Remembrance Bridge

Winter is here


Feeding her friends


Our little toddler


She got this apple out of the grocery bag herself

Her baby....I think Kenz looks so much like her cousin Jack here

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

The Nettings Do NZ - Week 45

This week was another chill week around Christchurch.  Kensley has started to try jumping.  Her feet don't leave the floor yet but her excitement and expressions would make you believe she just won gold medal in a jump competition.  We saw Jacqui and Hugh and Walt this week.  They were so sweet and brought me over an AMAZING banana cake that Jacqui made for my birthday.  Kensley also had her Plunket appointment and was really happy to show off every skill she has to our nurse, Stefanie.  She weighed in at the 25th percentile and measured up in the 5th.  She's small but mighty!  On the weekend, Caleb worked on Saturday and on Sunday, he ran the Christchurch marathon.  It was probably the worse weather we've experienced in NZ.  Two full days of pouring rain and hail and wind.  Caleb was also hit with Kensley's cold this weekend.  I seriously couldn't sleep the night before the race because I was so worried that with no training (one 20k and one 30k run do not count as training to me), the horrible weather, and the cold, that he was going to really injure himself.   We all woke up early to see him off at the start line.  Kensley loved being there and seeing all of the people.  Then, I ran Kensley home to Sarah who was going to babysit for the morning so I could go out and be #1 cheerleader for Caleb.  He told me before the race that if he wasn't feeling great at 10k that he was going to pull out.  He's NEVER said that before so I was seriously concerned.  I saw him at multiple points on the course which was super fun.  I biked and ran around and the pace bunny he was with commented on it, something along the lines of "it's her again!".  Caleb said that the rest of the spectators were pretty quiet.  He ended up finishing in 3:25:44....I can't believe I lost sleep over it!  Again, proving he is our superman!  We were both soaked and freezing by the end of the race and made our way home for a relaxing Sunday afternoon.  We had Liz, Andy and Harriet over in the afternoon for a little early birthday celebration for Caleb.  We had beer and wine, and lots of Caleb's favorites: chips, HOT wings, candy, veggies (for balance) and a homemade lemon cake!  I've never put so much effort into baking something before and I've definitely not juiced or zested that many lemons in my life.  I think the verdict was that the cake was good!  I've told Caleb to give me 10 years to perfect a lemon cake so this is my first year down....we'll see if he requests the same one next year or another one.

Happy Birthday C!

"Ain't no mama like the one I've got"  yes, I dress her.....

Yummy banana cake!!

Kensley got her own personal homemade pizza this week!

Just chatting with her cousins <3

Pre race shot with dada

And with mama....